Waltvan replied

330 weeks ago

Sleepless Full Movie In Hindi 720p > DOWNLOAD

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University student Casey Shine has her life turned upside down when she discovers she has inherited a genetic disorder from her father. This abnormality allows her to 'sleep into' other people, take over their bodies and live their lives, while the surrogate experiences a blackout. Realizing how dangerous and desirable her abilities are, Casey hunts for her father's missing research with the help of her first surrogate, FBI Negotiator Greg Shaw, hoping to find answers before the wrong people find her.
If you like SyFy stories I think you will like this one very much. This is a fresh,intriguing concept. Seth Cooperman in my opinion has a real winner on his hands. I love the premise of body jumping. The fact that it is hereditary and not something she can reject is in a way diabolical. The thought that someone or some government would want to control her and use her gift will give writers lots of stories to tell. Anthony Lemke and Hannah Anderson have great on screen chemistry which adds to the enjoyment of watching. Paolo Barzman has once again worked his directing magic like he's done before on Lost Girl, Being Human and The Highlander just to name a few. I'm hoping that the series is picked up and I look forward to watching it. Hopefully a USA outlet will pick it up too! The US audience has discovered Canadian Film and TV and are clamoring for more. If you haven't seen it yet click on the "official site" link on the IMDb page and enjoy! I'm sure you will find it captures your imagination and leave you wanting more. We need more shows on TV that will keep you guessing and get you to invest in the story and I believe this could be one.

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